What to Do After Breakin Up

Posts tagged ‘braking up’

Should You Break Up?

A breakup is the last thing to do when things go wrong in a relationship. Before deciding to end a relationship, both parties should try to save it.You should give it a second chance before breaking up.  If you really talk about the situation, there’s nothing that both of you can’t solve.


What happens if a relationship is not worth saving anymore? What is the best time to call it quits? The answers to those questions differ in every case. But there are signs that your relationship is about to go down the drain.


You don’t spend as much time with each other. You can hardly stand your partner now; you spend less and less time with him or her. Communication suffers and the relationship directly goes down the drain. You also don’t have anything in common anymore. When you and your partner first got together, you could talk about anything under the sun. But now, you don’t seem to know your partner anymore. This is a sign that the two of you are growing apart.


Fighting becomes frequent. Since you don’t see eye to eye anymore, you end up fighting with your partner more than ever. Painful words are said and sometimes physical abuse gets in the way. You also see more flaws in your partner than before. Love can make people blind and not see their partner’s flaws. But through the months and years, things change and so is your perception about your partner.


You don’t feel sexually attracted to your partner anymore. Relationships aren’t always about sex. But sex is one factor that keeps a relationship strong. Putting your partner’s sexual needs before your own is not only unselfish but gratifying as well. If there’s no more sexual attraction between the two of you it’s likely that one party would seek fulfillment of this need somewhere or someone else.


There’s no more love. Admitting that there’s no love in the relationship anymore is hard. Love was the basis why you had the relationship in the first place. This could be a good reason for you to cut the relationship short.


There is a lot to consider in ending a relationship. Weigh your relationship carefully before you make any decision that you might regret later.

What Are The Signs Of Rebound Relationships

Getting into a new relationship could seem like the best ideas especially if you would like to recover after breaking up. But the truth of the matter is the world does not operate like that. Most rebound relationships don’t finish up very well, with one party feeling used by the other. When one is on the rebound, he or she forms a new romantic relationship with someone else right after ending one. This is not a great way of forgetting about a past love, mainly because there are still some issues that weren’t resolved in the past relationship.


Though there is no definite time when you’d be able to cope up with a break, it’s good to spend some time being single again before exploring a fresh relationship. A month might be too shortly to hook up with a new partner, so wait until your heart and your mind are prepared to accept that new person in your life.


The majority easily fall into this trap because, let’s admit it, it feels great to feel wanted again. This is particularly true when you got out of a relationship where more distressing moments are shared than the good ones. It also feels comforting to be in the arms of someone else again, and this helps you in momentarily forgetting about your distressing past. As mentioned beforehand, rebound relationships are romantic affairs that take place right after a breakup. These are customarily whirlwind-type romances where both parties are lagered with the newly found love. Sometimes folks in rebound relationships rush into moving in together or getting married as it feels right right now.


Rushing into this type of relationship frequently has its consequences. You could feel at the start that everything is going fine and that things are perfect. But when you come home at night, when there’s no one there to hold you, you may feel the agony of the past relationship again. It is a dangerous cycle and you’re teasing yourself by thinking that things will turn out differently. Unfortunately, that’s not that case. Since you entered this new relationship a little too soon, you may not had sufficient time to begin to know your better half outside the romantic relationship. You might have had expectations that make feel your new partner like he won’t measure up, simply because your expectations are not practical enough.


While the offer of a brand new relationship sounds engaging, it’s best that you tackle things on your own first. Unravel whatever issues you may have had in the past. If you believe you need to improve on certain aspects, go ahead and give yourself the time for a makeover. It’s not just the physical aspects we are talking about here. If you were constantly finding faults in others, especially your former partner, use this time alone to analyze what drove you to that point.


I can’t stress any further why spending some time being single is vital. Before you rush in a brand new relationship, take another look at yourself and find out what areas you want to improve upon. When a new possible partner, you may be in a position to give 100% of yourself, without ever looking backwards at your past.

Signs that Should Make You Move On

Breaking up is the last thing to do when things go wrong.   If you really talk about the situation, there’s nothing that both of you can’t solve.

What happens if a relationship is not worth saving anymore? And how do you know if it’s no longer a sensible effort to do so?Is there ever a best time to throw in the towel? The answers differ. But there are signs that your relationship is about to go down the drain.

You don’t spend as much time with each other. You can hardly stand your partner now; you spend less and less time with him or her. Communication suffers and the relationship directly goes down the drain. You also don’t have anything in common anymore. When you and your partner first got together, you could talk about anything under the sun. But now, you don’t seem to know your partner anymore. This is a sign that the two of you are growing apart.

Fighting becomes frequent. Since you don’t see eye to eye anymore, you end up fighting with your partner more than ever. Painful words are said and sometimes physical abuse gets in the way. You also see more mistakes in your partner than before. Love can make people blind and not see their partner’s flaws. But through the months and years, things change and so is your perception about your partner.

You don’t feel sexually attracted to your partner anymore. It is not always about sex but sex is a big factor that keeps a relationship healthy. Placing your partner’s sexual needs before your own is not only unselfish but gratifying as well. If there’s no  sexual attraction between the two of you it’s likely that one party would seek fulfillment of this need somewhere or someone else.

There’s no more love. Admitting that there’s no love in the relationship anymore is difficult. Love was the basis why you had the relationship in the first place. This could be a good reason for you to cut the relationship short.

Ending a relationship takes plenty of consideration. Weigh your relationship carefully before you make any decision that you might regret later.

Are You On A Rebound?

Getting into a fresh relationship could seem like the best ideas especially if you would like to recover after breaking up. But the truth of the matter is the world does not operate like that. Most rebound relationships don’t finish up very well, with one party feeling used by the other. When one is on the rebound, she forms a new romantic relationship with someone else right after ending one. This is not a great way of forgetting about a past love, usually because there are still some issues that weren’t resolved in the past relationship.

Though there is no definite time when you’d be able to cope up with a break, it’s good to spend some time being single again before exploring a fresh relationship. A month might be too shortly to hook up with a new partner, so wait until your heart and your mind are prepared to accept that new person in your life.

Most people easily fall into this trap because, let’s fess up, it feels good to feel wanted again. This is particularly true when you got out of a relationship where more distressing moments are shared than the good ones. It also feels comforting to be in the arms of someone else again, and this helps you in briefly forgetting about your painful past. As mentioned beforehand, rebound relationships are romantic affairs that happen right after a break. These are typically whirlwind-type romances where both parties are lagered with the newfound love. Often folks in rebound relationships plunge into moving in together or getting married as it feels right right now.

Rushing into this kind of relationship frequently has its consequences. You might feel at the start that everything is going fine and that things are perfect. But when you come home at night, when there is not any one there to hold you, you may feel the discomfort of the past relationship again. It is a self-perpetuating cycle and you’re fooling yourself by thinking that things will turn out differently. Unfortunately, that is not that case. Since you entered this new relationship a touch too soon, you will not had sufficient time to get to know your better half outside the romantic relationship. You might have had expectations that make feel your new partner like he cannot measure up, simply because your expectations are not pragmatic enough.

While the offer of a new relationship sounds attractive, it’s best that you tackle things on your own first. Solve whatever issues you might have had in the past. If you think that you need to improve on certain aspects, go on and give yourself the time for a refresh. It’s not simply the physical aspects we are talking about here. If you were continually finding faults in others, especially your former partner, use this time alone to analyze what drove you to that point.

I can’t stress any further why spending some time being single is crucial. Before you rush in a new relationship, take another look at yourself and learn what areas you want to improve on. By the point a new possible partner, you may be ready to give 100% of yourself, without ever casting backwards at your past.